Why BI is for everyone

If you’ve managed to convince yourself that only large enterprises have the money to take advantage of Business Intelligence (BI), then think again. In the past, companies needed to hire expensive experts to really delve into BI. But these days, there is a range of affordable self-service tools that will allow small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) to make use of BI. What's more, your SMB creates and holds much more data than you realize, which means you can start using BI for your business.

Why businesses should opt for CRM

However good you are at running your business, you won’t get very far without a steady stream of customers. To effectively foster customer relationships, many businesses are leveraging customer relationship management (CRM) systems.
What is a CRM system?
CRM is a system that allows businesses to manage, record, and evaluate their customer interactions to provide better services and boost sales.

Top 5 business continuity errors

Business continuity plans are designed to protect an organization's critical data in case of a crisis, but employees are also a part of that equation. If you want a strong business continuity plan, it’s imperative you avoid the following mistakes.
Mistake #1: Failing to plan for employees
Companies that survive unexpected incidents are the ones that thought about their employees’ needs.

Top considerations when collecting customer data

Businesses are collecting, processing, and storing data at a breakneck pace, and it’s increasingly difficult to keep up. Despite the importance of business intelligence, it’s important to collect data that is actually useful and relevant. A few essential tips will prevent the most common challenges.

5 Things to avoid when investing in IT

Running a business can be time-consuming, especially if you’re managing staff, looking for growth opportunities, and looking after clients. This leaves you little time to search for an IT system that can benefit your business. Because of this, you may be forced to make an impulsive technology purchase that does more harm than good.

Data backup solutions for your business

Any business owner worth their salt knows the value of data to business. This is why it’s bizarre that many business owners don’t have a proper data backup strategy in place. Organizations of all sizes need to take a proactive approach to backing up their data, and there are several solutions they can implement to do that.

How robust dashboards help your business

A dashboard is a business intelligence tool that displays metrics and key performance indicators (KPI) for organizations. Dashboards give you an overall view of your business. Here are some uses of dashboards in real-life business situations.
Marketing insights
An organization's marketing department typically analyzes a significant amount of data from various channels.

Use data analytics to manage backups

The amount of data that the average business manages is unprecedented. And with that shift comes an unavoidable challenge: Deciding which files and records are most important to business continuity. However, with a little creative thinking and implementation, you can ensure the security of your most critical data.

Three types of business dashboards

Dashboards allow you to better understand your customers and easily make informed business decisions. But with many types of dashboards out there, each serving a unique purpose, how do you determine which one is best for your company? We’ve listed three types of the most widely used dashboards below.