Find out how virtual reality helps business growth

Technology has always helped business growth. However, with the many innovations available, knowing which to adopt can be bewildering. Virtual reality (VR) is one technology businesses can invest in. Find out if it’s right for your business with this list of VR advantages and benefits.

Office 365 hacking: What you need to know

With over 150 million active subscribers, Office 365 is, unsurprisingly, on top of hackers’ minds. And now, hackers are using a technique that doesn’t even require users to give up their credentials. Learn how they do it and get protected.
A phishing scam that harvests users’ credentials
The latest cyberattack on Microsoft Office 365 involves harvesting users’ credentials.

Do you need identity and access management?

To defend against cyberthreats, businesses often implement strong antivirus software and firewalls — but both these solutions are not enough. A cutting-edge identity and access management (IAM) solution is crucial to protecting your digital assets from hackers, rogue employees, and weak passwords.

Data security: Prevent insider threats

In the healthcare industry, 58% of security incidents begin with an inappropriate action carried out by someone within the affected organization. Although the percentage isn't as high among other industries, it's still something you can't afford to ignore.