Why IT security audits are important

In today’s world, it’s important for organizations to take their cybersecurity measures seriously to avoid cyberattacks and data breaches. A good way for companies to keep their security up to date and compliant is to conduct regular IT security audits.

What you need to know about the Microsoft Office Delve feature

Many small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) rely on Microsoft 365 to do a variety of tasks, enable team collaboration, and streamline processes. And because it is widely used for many different functions, several programs and data tend to overlap within the Microsoft 365 environment, making it challenging for users to track information and connections.

The business continuity benefits of cloud technology

Where you store your company’s data backups is vital to the success of your business continuity strategy. There are various storage media to choose from, but if you value flexibility and convenience, then you should look no further than cloud storage.