Ignore these outdated disaster recovery myths

With advancements in cloud computing, disaster recovery (DR) has become more efficient and affordable than ever. But many business owners still cling to DR myths that can safely be ignored. If you’re uncertain as to how DR has changed and are ready for an update, here are some myths that you ought to ignore.

Best practices for SMB Facebook pages

One point five billion people check Facebook every single day. That’s a lot of potential business for companies that take the time to manage and update their profile. There are lots of ways to simplify social media engagement that don’t require much time or money, but these six are our favorites.

5 Easy tips for preventing data breaches

Keeping your personal and professional information safe from cybercriminals is not easy. It takes constant vigilance and frequent training. There are dozens of simple tools and tips to help people with almost zero expertise stay safe online, but these five are our favorites.

How to increase retweets on Twitter

Are your tweets not getting enough exposure? While posting regularly and writing bold headlines are important in grabbing the audience’s attention, there are other Twitter tactics that you should be employing in order to get the most retweets. Listed below are just a few ways to maximize your company’s reach over Twitter.