Fix these unpleasant-looking website elements now

According to the cliché, one shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. But in marketing, looks do matter. Having an attractive website design is often your first opportunity to make a good impression on potential customers. So if your site’s looks aren’t up to par, visitors may close the web tab and you lose the chance of making a sale.

What companies tend to get wrong about business continuity

Every business owner knows that having a business continuity plan (BCP) is crucial to surviving any disaster. However, some still tend to overlook certain aspects of a BCP strategy, causing the plan to go up in flames. Ensure a solid BCP by knowing these five critical mistakes to avoid.

Protecting your data from hurricanes

Hurricanes damage property and put lives at risk. If you’re not prepared, hurricanes can also disrupt your operations and put your business through extended downtime. In this blog, we'll help you quickly regain access to your data and get your business back to operational mode after a disaster.

Here are 5 mistakes to avoid when investing in IT

Investing in new IT solutions can make your team more productive, ensure compliance with industry regulations, and improve the outputs you deliver to your customers, among other outcomes. But if you really want to maximize the returns you gain from any new tech investments, make sure to avoid these common mistakes.

Streamline your eCommerce business with a cloud-based OMS

If you’re looking for ways to optimize your eCommerce business’s operations, you should definitely consider deploying a cloud-based order management system (OMS). This article will help you learn more about the business benefits of an OMS.

First off, we need to clarify that an inventory management system is not the same as an order management system.

Ways virtual reality saves businesses time and money

Virtual reality (VR), the technology that immerses users in digital simulations and models, has many more uses than people initially imagined. Many of these involve helping businesses save time and money. Read on to find out how.
VR training
Virtual hands-on training has been proven to be much more effective than in-classroom or e-learning methods.

5 Reasons every SMB needs marketing automation

Marketing automation can be a large budget line item for a small- to mid-sized business (SMB). With limited means and resources, many SMBs would rather rely on good old human effort. However, sending emails, segmenting lists, following the buyer’s journey, and performing other essential marketing tasks manually is not just time-consuming, but it is also often costly and error-prone.

Boost your marketing campaigns with video content

Creating trending videos on social media is one of the best ways to catch people’s attention and market your brand. These are the seven types of video content you can use to bolster your marketing campaigns.
Business introduction or behind-the-scenes
If your company lacks an online presence, one of the best things you can do is give customers direct access to your staff and your product.

4 Data backup solutions for your business

Modern businesses use data in almost every aspect of their operations. Without immediate and constant access to it, organizations will come to a grinding halt. That's why it's critical to have data backups — in the event of a disaster, companies risk losing valuable data if they don’t have backup strategies in place.