Master Windows 10 with the following tips and tricks

Did you know that the latest update of the Windows 10 operating system comes with many improvements to user experience? Try out the following features and change the way you work, play, and everything in between.
Night light
This feature lets you reduce the amount of blue light emitted from your screen, which helps reduce eye strain and boost sleep efficiency.

3 Ways AI is changing the healthcare sector

Technology plays an important role in streamlining business processes. Artificial intelligence (AI), for example, is making huge strides in the healthcare industry, not only helping medical professionals better care for their patients, but also giving people proactive means of managing their health and lifestyle.

Your guide to Microsoft 365 Groups connectors

Microsoft 365 Groups has a nifty feature called connectors, which enables users to link to and get information from third-party apps in Microsoft Outlook. This means relevant content and updates are shared immediately in your group feed, making workflow and collaboration more seamless.

Reasons why companies should use business intelligence

Your small business’s data is valuable, and utilizing it for growth strategies lets you discover opportunities. One way to do that is to use business intelligence (BI) tools. Multinational companies have been using them for years with the assistance of experts who help make sense of massive amounts of data.