What exactly is proactive cybersecurity?

Most managed IT services providers (MSPs) promise “proactive” cybersecurity consulting. Businesses large and small embrace the idea of preventing cyberattacks and data breaches before they happen, and MSPs themselves would much rather brainstorm safeguards than troubleshoot time-sensitive downtime events.

6 Tips to keep your Mac computer safe

Although it is important, security is something that some Mac users overlook. That’s fine if all you do is watch YouTube videos or experiment with Photo Booth, but not if you use your computer for day-to-day business operations. Prevent internal and external threats from harming your device with these tips.

Reasons your business needs CRM software

Failure to understand your customers’ needs and wants could result in ill-informed marketing strategies. And when your company can’t satisfy their demands, they’ll likely turn to your competitors instead. To prevent this, deploying a customer relationship management (CRM) system can make a world of difference.

4 types of hackers to watch out for

Why do hackers attack? Is it for money, notoriety, or political reasons? As a business owner, you should always try and find out the motive behind an attack to help you determine whether or not you’re a target and what data you need to protect. Let’s take a closer look at four different types of hackers and their motives.

Ignore these outdated disaster recovery myths

With advancements in cloud computing, disaster recovery (DR) has become more efficient and affordable than ever. But many business owners still cling to DR myths that can safely be ignored. If you’re uncertain as to how DR has changed and are ready for an update, here are some myths that you ought to ignore.