Top ways ERP improves your business

The only way for your business to succeed is for it to keep improving. There are many areas you can always refine, like company policy and customer service. One important improvement you should consider, however, is getting enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, and here’s why.

A beginner’s guide to creating Facebook ads

No one can deny that social media has become a powerful online marketing tool. It’s cheaper, more effective, and a lot cooler. It is especially advantageous to small businesses that don’t have budgets for print or TV ads. Interested in creating a social media ad of your own? Read on.

How good is your disaster recovery plan?

You may think you know all about disaster recovery plans (DRP) from attending conferences or reading up on the subject. But one of the best ways to learn is by example, and the following real-life case offers valuable lessons. Learn about the DPR audit of a state government office and the knowledge gained from it.

5 social media tips to drive your growth

Setting up a business can be overwhelming, especially now that digital marketing is so crucial. Many small businesses and start-ups find themselves not knowing where to go after purchasing a year’s subscription to WordPress. Although marketing your business online could fill several full-time positions, here are a few simple tips to get you started.

CRM optimization best practices

The effectiveness of your business's day-to-day operations is the best indicator of whether your customer relationship management (CRM) software is performing to expectations. CRM is revolutionizing the way businesses interact with customers, but are you integrating CRM into your business in the best possible way? Learn how you can transform your business with the following best practices:

Always update customer information

A CRM system is only effective when the data it provides is current.

Why UPS is important in network gear

Storms, floods, fire, and other emergencies can cause productivity loss due to power failure. Utilizing an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for your workstations will ensure that you never lose unsaved work. But what about your online connection? To avoid being crippled by loss of internet connection, it’s a good idea to plug routers, wireless access points, and cable modems into a UPS.

UPS for network equipment

UPS systems provide backup power in case of outages and protection against power surges, which don’t just damage computers but also make you lose unsaved work.