
Productivity tip: email automation

If you have ever received what looked like a personalized email from a huge corporation, there’s a good chance it was actually written with the help of an email automation platform. Email automation saves time and money while strengthening customer relationships, and contrary to popular belief, it is well within most SMB budgets.

Your SMB needs these Facebook tools

Facebook is like a Swiss Army knife, practical and featureful. But did you know that Facebook has hundreds of built-in marketing features that 1.8 billion users worldwide are mostly oblivious to? With that in mind, here are four Facebook features you can use to boost your SMB’s social marketing efforts:

Audience Insights tool
This free tool is designed to help businesses learn more about their target audience.

How to market SMBs with Pinterest

The waitlist for Pinterest’s latest “DIY Promoted Pins” tool is proof of how eager small- and medium-sized businesses are when it comes to social media marketing. Establishing a solid online presence, promoting corporate content, and driving website traffic at the same time is every business owner’s dream come true.